Event Ticket Protector

Broadway. Super Bowl. NASCAR. Tickets to exclusive events can cost a small fortune these days. What if your customers can't go at the last minute? The possibility of having to cancel could make many folks lose their nerve when it comes time to purchase.

But with Event Ticket Protector, they won't need to worry. For those times when circumstances sideline your customers, this valuable protection ensures that their investment is safe and sound. We reimburse 100 percent—up to $10,000—for a variety of reasons like covered illness and job loss.* We also give them access to 24/7, multilingual customer service. 

So, the next time their favorite band is in town or they have the opportunity to go to Wimbledon, don't let your customers miss out! Just be sure that first they protect their entertainment investment with Event Ticket Protector.

Event Registration Protector

Did you know roughly 15% of running or race event registrants never even make it to the starting line? That’s really unfortunate, especially considering all of the training and preparation individuals invest in events like marathons, 10k races, 5k fun runs, and other pursuits of the pavement.

Fortunately, we created Event Registration Protector, a solution that provides event organizers and participants peace of mind by protecting registration fees for both parties when participants can't show up on race day.

With Event Registration Protector, a participant who misses an event for a reason, such as a covered injury, illness, job loss, transportation delays, military/family/legal obligations, and more, can get 100 percent of their registration fees reimbursed—up to $10,000.* Plus, they also get our 24/7 service and assistance benefits, and we manage all customer service and claims activity, without risk or management resources from event organizers.


*Please have your customers review their declaration of coverage and certificate of insurance/policy for specifics about the policy that they purchased.